This Lenten Rose is blooming in my back yard today! Isn't it beautiful? Experts in flower symbolism say it is representative of this season of the year when the dead of winter is flowering into the newness of another season - Spring, and Lent!
According to James Farmer, it is "as with the season of Lent itself - a wintry season of contemplation, spiritual focus, and petition, these symbols of new life out of the deathlike state of winter are emblems of the newness of spring, rebirth, and rejuvenation."
There is so much there in that quote! It resonates with my spirit this morning when I feel a new season coming to my own life, physical as well as Spiritual! I have been seeking the Lord in recent days, asking Him how He would have me to best use the rest of my days. I think that I am hearing that writing and the enjoyment of my recently developed hobby of art is a part of His plan for my life. As with all impressions, we will see how this walks out in my actual life! Direction without obedience is useless, so where do I begin?
For today, I feel impressed to begin again with the current means of communicating with the world at large called THE BLOG! So, here I go and I hope you will follow along with me. Let me ask you this question..... Have you been seeking the Lord for direction? What are you hearing? What are you doing about it? I ask for your prayers for me as I pursue what I think is direction from Him and I pray for you that you will have all that you need from Him to follow Him at all costs. As the Word of God says in 1 Samuel, "Obedience is better than sacrifice."
2 Corinthians 5: 9 - 15 "Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him...15. for He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."
May the blessings of the Lord God flood your life as you move in the direction of His leading!