Wednesday, May 30, 2012


In my last blog, I shared about one of the most beautiful of new beginnings, the birth of a unique and wonderful new baby girl named Lola.  There were a huge number of blog views of that sweet baby and some interesting comments.  People even shared their own experiences of being born anew through healing.  Thank you all for that sharing.  It blessed me so.  But, new babies are not the only ways in which things become new.  There are so many other examples of things being made new.

The inspiration for this blog came yesterday when my husband and I were out looking over an area of our yard that we are hoping to redeem from several years of destructive weeds like honeysuckle.  By the way, we were married last year in our 70’s – talk about New Beginnings!  The area surrounds a gazebo that hubby built with his own two bare hands many years ago when he had retired from his full time work as an engineer. I can only imagine the pride he must have felt when it was completed.  It is a beauty!  But then, I love Gazebos.

Then, He and his wife of 51 years had surrounded this gazebo with yucca (heaven’s candles) and other beautiful flowers including some pink ramblers and Joseph’s coat roses which are now buried in the weeds.  When he lost his wife, he lost the heart to tend the garden they had planted together.  Can any of you relate to losing heart over something that once brought you great joy?

Last week we had begun to dig out the roses and being Mother’s Day he had bought me the beautiful red knock out rose seen in this picture.  We planted it in a small area which we had managed to clear in front of the gazebo and one of the yucca plants which had just started to bloom so beautifully.  After planting the rose we set a chair over it to protect it from the animals which might have been tempted to dig around it in the fresh dirt.  What you see in this picture is what we saw upon our return this week.  Looks like redemption to me!  A New Beginning from something old and something new!

I read a new blog yesterday in which the author recommended focusing on one subject long enough to really get something out of it.  That is something that I have done often in my own Bible Study – take one subject and peruse the scriptures for any that are related to the topic.  Well this morning it occurred to me to stick to the topic of new beginnings for a bit and see if I can get you all to share your experiences with the rest of us. 

Many of us have stories of diamonds being mined out of the coal of our lives.  I am sure all of you know that we get diamonds from the pressure exerted upon coal until it becomes a shiny gem instead of a piece of old black coal.  I’d like to hear about those times in your life when you felt as if the pressure upon you would destroy you but later you came to realize that it really served to make you a more beautiful person.  I have heard it said “that which does not destroy us strengthens us.”  It is only through the Lord that this has been true in my life.

Matthew 13:52 -  Amplified Version – “Every teacher or interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed and trained for the kingdom of heaven and become a disciple, is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and treasure that is old – both that which is fresh as well as that which is familiar.”  In this picture the yucca plant is an old treasure and the red rose is new treasure.  There is so much symbolism in the nature that surrounds us.  It takes a special ability to see beyond the weeds and the coal to the possibilities of gardens and diamonds.

And then, of course, there is the wonderful promise of the final making things new in Revelation 21:5. This is that chapter that talks about how things will be when all that we know here is done.  Here is what it says “And He who sat on the throne said, Behold I make all things new.  And He said to me Write, for these words are true and faithful.”  When we write about the experiences of our lives that bear out the truth of the scriptures, it seems to me that we are being obedient to this instruction in some important ways.  After all, that is how Jesus taught, very simply, by using word pictures about rocks and trees and birds.

Please write and share one of your experiences that would encourage someone else.  Meantime, I pray that the SON is shining into your life today and that He is lighting up every dark area that might tend to discourage you in any way.  I will be watching for your comments and looking forward to reading them soon.   

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Time passes so quickly and it is hard to believe that it has been ten days since I last posted to this blog, but that is just one example of how time flies.  Everyone is so busy these days, including me, and I am up in years and considered retired.  My husband and I often say we don't know how we ever had time to work even.  LOL.

One of the aspects of our lives that keep us busy is grandchildren and we love them all.  Several of them are busy finishing up the school year.  Two of them just finished EOGs and are done for the year.  Now they are into trampolines and swimming pools and other fun type plans for the summer.  Another is trying to finish up High School and I had forgotten how stressful this can be.  She is scheduled to graduate on June 8th.  My oldest grandchild finished truck driving school this past year and SHE is out there on the road having a blast.  Proud and Happy!  

We are so proud, of course, not just of what they do, but of  who they are even more so.  There are several others, ten in all, of the grans, and it would take a book to tell about all that's going on but it is all exciting and sometimes stressful.  When I finish telling you about all of them I would need to start on the great grans.   Much prayer is always needed for all of them and it is a delight to be their prayer warriors.

Grandchildren are wonderful people.  We get to be very involved in their lives and yet we do not really have to parent them.  We get to give lots of love and encouragement and not too much discipline is required on our part which is always nice.  It is such a joy to me to be able to watch them grow and build their lives.   It is sad to us that some of them live so far away and we hardly ever get to lay hands on them.  We have found Facebook to be a wonderful way of staying connected. Go figure!  I never would have thought I’d ever be saying that, but there you go!

I always say that when a baby is born to a family it is a sign from God that He is blessing that family by entrusting another child into their care.  I know that many times kids don't get taken care of in families and I think that is the saddest thing on the face of the earth.  The only reprieving thought is that God says that He is the Father of the Fatherless, so there is a blessing hidden even in the neglect.  Not that the neglect is any kind of a blessing but a sort of reverse promise if you will that they will have the very best Father of all.  I know I did!

I just happened to remember that a dear friend of mine had just had a new grandbaby and that this baby was the cutest I’d seen lately so I asked permission to post her picture to my blog.  Guess what!  Her grandmother was delighted!  I could hear the overwhelming joy she was feeling in her voice.

While we were talking, she shared her joy with me!  She tried to convey to me the joy of the day she came into the world.  Lola Marie!  Now isn’t that a beautiful name for a blessed little girl.  After a bit of a struggle she finally got a look at the gorgeous creature – her very first grandbaby!  She told how she was glad she knew how to pray as the delivery was taking place.  I was praying with her as I know many of our other friends were too.  God answered our prayers!

She told me how she loves to sit and hold her and look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is to her Granma.  She hinted to me about all the many plans she has to spend time with her in the future.  She shared with me the joy of watching her son being a good Papa putting his little girl on a palette and announcing that it is their playtime and then talking and laughing with her.  He already has his special name for her and his love and devotion are obvious to my friend.  Little Lola is also blessed with a very talented and intelligent Mom and other grandparents whose love for her is endless, of course. 

What a delight for this grandmother to witness her precious grandbaby receiving the nurture and unconditional love we all need as children.  I was so glad I asked about the picture because I got a good word picture to share with you.  Speaking of pictures, take a look at this beautiful baby.  What do you think she might be saying?  I hear her thinking, "of course I'm beautiful and what else do you have to say to me anyway?".

Remember, now, if you or your children or grans did not have that same awesome experience, God has wonderful healing available to us all.  He doesn’t think anyone ever gets too big to be held in his arms and look up into His face and hear Him say how beautiful we are to Him!  If you have never had that experience I hope you will try it today.  Even some of you who had wonderful experiences of love and nurture as children still may need to know that it is how God really feels about you too. 

2 Corinthians 3:18 says “But, we all, with unveiled faces beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord”.  This is how babies come to know who they are, by gazing into the faces of their loved ones and hearing their tender words of love.  It is also how we can be healed by having one experience after the other of spending time with our Eternal Father who has loved us from our conception and will love us forever, no exceptions!

So, here we go, close your eyes now and imagine that Father God is drawing near.  See Him bending over to scoop you up in His everlasting arms of love and see Him smiling into your face.  Just be like a baby and gaze wide eyed into His countenance and allow yourself to be healed!

I would love to hear about your children and grans.  Post a comment for me and I will look forward to reading it.  I hope that you all have started out with a plethora of wonderful plans for the summer.  And I especially hope you have a few great ones with your children and grandchildren.  I’d love to hear about what you are planning to do.  Some of the other followers might like to get some ideas from you.  Please share!

It is so interesting to me how when I started to write this blog I didn’t think I had much to say, but I just wanted to catch up with you all.  As I started writing, it just came rolling out and more.  As always,  I hope and pray that the Son is shining into your lives in many ways today as well!  I’d love to hear about that too.  

Blessings to all!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Well here it is Saturday morning before Mother’s Day!  I am sitting in our little mobile in the mountains and thinking of my Lord Adonai.  If that name is not familiar to you, let me explain.  It is precious to me because it embodies all the aspects of God -  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  It is the name of God that indicates that He is my Lord.  He is Lord of all in my life because I choose to allow Him to be Lord to me.

Mother’s Day!  For some there are many good memories and thoughts of love and blessing.  I also realize that for some it may be a painful day for whatever reason.  Some may have lost their moms and have no one to whom they can send a card.  Some may not have had a relationship with their mom that makes it easy to send a card.  I know that there are people who go to buy a card and cannot find one that really says anything they would be able to say to their Mom.

For those who fall into the second category, I offer this word of encouragement!  God wants to be El Shaddai to all of us.  That is His name for the nurturing aspect of His nature.  It means “all sufficient one”!  He wants to be the only One who can give us everything we need just as a healthy, happy mother provides for her young.  If you are one of the ones for whom Mother’s Day brings pain instead of blessing, may I suggest that you spend some time with El Shaddai today!  He wants to heal all of those hurts and give you what all of us need.  Unconditional love and nurture!

For those of you who fall into the first category, I encourage you to give thanks from the bottom of your heart for a mother who gave you life and love and express that love to her in some way.  Some of you may have other women in your life who have loved you for the Lord and have blessed your life in ways unspeakable.  Find a way to say thank you today to that person.  I did!

 I pray that each and every one of us may be blessed on this day when we celebrate mothering and the blessing of nurture!   Spending time with Adonai is the way I receive my nurturing!  You can do the same and I encourage you to do so today!  I pray that the Son of God is shining into your heart this day and lighting up your life with His blessings!  And may those be spread abroad in every possible way and place to nurture those who are in need of it today!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Yikes, I just realized it has been a week since I last spoke with you!  Doesn't time fly when you are having fun? Forgive me, please!  I will try to do better about keeping in touch and keeping the blog up to date.  It is all so new to me, but it really does mean a great deal to me to think that there is someone out there sharing with me!

This morning my heart has been arrested by the verse of scripture that says "for it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!"      2 Cor. 4:6.  Imagine with me the ramifications of this verse, if you will.

"It is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, Who shines in our hearts".  Wow!  The same God who was there in the very beginning saying “Light, Be” and it was, is wanting to shine into my heart today. Selah!  Stop and think about that for a brief minute.  The God of the whole universe is looking for a place to shine into and that place is our heart, yours and mine.  Does it feel like that is happening?  Do you sense the Son of God shining like the sun into your heart right this minute?  Maybe not!

But it is true that this is His desire and He, the Son, is shining even though we may not be able to experience it because we are unaware and, therefore, not allowing ourselves to know it and feel it.  He is shining!  Who, He?  He, the Son of God is shining and it is into us that He chooses to shine!  

The sun may or may not be shining outside where you are today.  I can look out my window and see it shining on the trees in the small woods behind my house this morning.  But I am in here reading and writing and I am not out there experiencing it.  Some days I get up, get my coffee and head for the front porch which is my favorite place to experience the sun and the world around me.  It is a spiritual experience in and of itself just to sit on my front porch.

So let me leave you today with this thought.  Is the Son shining in your heart today?  It is!  Are you aware of it?  Are you experiencing it?  Are you allowing the spiritual Vitamin D to come and bring its life giving power into the center of your being?  Waiting in the presence of God is like sitting on my front porch.  I have to get up and go!  I have to sit down and just enjoy!  I have to allow myself to experience His presence.  It is life and health to my bones and it will be to yours.

So, where is it that you can go and sit for a spell and allow yourself to experience the Son shining into your heart?  Please go there now.  Perhaps you cannot physically go there.  Sometimes I have to go to the porch in my mind or in my spirit, if you will.  I have been there so often I can close my eyes and tune my heart to feel the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the light breeze and hear the sound of the birds singing in His presence.

It is important to remember that you must actively participate.  You must allow yourself to experience it.  Write me a comment and share your place with me, please!  I’d love to hear all about it.  If you do not have a place, ask God to show you where it is.  Go and find it.  He is waiting for you there!

That's all for today!  but I will be back!  Meantime please take a minute and  allow the Son of God to shine into your heart!  He will love it and you and all the world around you will be better for it!  Imagine, He wants to shine through us!  Let Him shine in and then He can shine out!