We are so excited about each and every one of our family members. We all keep tabs on each other and most of the time know something of what is going on with the others. We have five children who each have two children as well as a couple of step children in there and several of them have had children. In fact, I just heard that one of the young women in our family is in the hospital as we speak in labor with her first child. I always say that the birth of a child into our family is a sign that God is not finished with us yet! We even pray for the unborn ones that we may never see!
We also pray diligently for each other. So there is a good bit of prayer going up tonite for the expected arrival. We have been praying for all the months that we have known that this baby has been being knit together in his mother's womb. We continue to pray throughout the lives of each of our loved ones.
My oldest daughter and I sought the Lord for some promises for our family several years ago. He gave us Jeremiah 29 through 31. One of those verses of scripture says that he will bring our children "up and out." Over the years since we have been praying in this promise we have seen marvelous things happen. One member was in an abusive marriage for many years. We watched the Lord bring her up and out after many, many painful years. We watched as He has been putting her life back together, physically, mentally, emotionally as well as Spiritually. Today I heard that her 16 year old daughter got saved at a funeral this past week. We serve a God who can bring eternal life out of the death of one of his saints.
Oh, yes! We got the first week's work done on the booklet and it was introduced at a Sunday night life group last night. Another group wants to use the material starting next Monday night. I had amazing grace to write and get it all done on time. It was such a gift of God to have someone request to use it and give me that motivation to prepare the study guide to go with it. HE IS SO GREAT! Thank you, Father!
Well, I'll be back after the birthday. Meantime, keep praying! I will be praying for you! My prayer for you is that the Son will be shining into your life and the lives of your loved ones, that He will hunt them down, never letting them out of His sight for a moment and bring them "up and out". Many blessings today and every day! And thanks again for your prayers for me.