Thursday, March 7, 2013

Praying in the Will of God

When people ask you to pray for them as I have you, do you wonder how to pray in the will of God so you know your prayer is heard and therefore answered?    Here is a prayer I wrote from the Word of God to pray for the people I love.  I share it with you only as a guideline or an example.  I would greatly appreciate knowing that someone was praying this Biblical prayer for me and I pray it now for all of you who are reading this today.

Prayer for My People                  written on February 12, 2013                                                                            

Lord, my Adonai, I bow my knees to You this morning asking that You will take us to your secret place and teach us to dwell there with You under Your shadow!  What a picture!  If we are in the shadow of something then we’re about as close as we can physically get but from that place we can go further in the Spirit!  From that position, we can trust in You, that You will be our refuge and our strength!  Such secret place dwellers will be able to remain stable and fixed even when all the world around us is in a tizzy!  We all need that desperately!  (Psalm 91:1.2)

Jesus, you said if we would abide in You and Your words would abide in us that we could ask whatever was within your will and know that you would hear us and that we would have that for which we asked.  Teach us to abide in You, to settle down and be at home in You as the True Vine and the only One to Whom we can dare to be so fully attached.  But, Lord Jesus, help us to remember that it is only from that position that we can do anything.  Make it crystal clear that anything we attempt to do from any other position, even our very best, will only be wood, hay and stubble.  Lord, we truly want gold, silver, and precious stones to present to you someday. (John 15:4,5; 1 Corinthians 3:12)

Dear Father, great and mighty Source of all, grant to us according to Your riches to be strengthened with might through faith like Paul prayed for His people and Your people!  And, Lord, we ask that You also grant that we be rooted and grounded in Your love and be able to comprehend the mighty parameters of that love which You expressed through the death of Jesus Christ and which surpasses all knowledge.  Also, Holy Spirit, we desperately need to be filled with all the fullness of Yourself and delivered from the unhealthy preoccupation we often have with ourselves and others.  We acknowledge that You are the only One Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power which works in us – that same power which raised Jesus from the grave.  Only You are the source of that life-giving resurrection power that we all need so much.  (Ephesians 3:14-21) 

Now, to You be glory to all generations meaning I am praying not only for those of us who will read and pray this prayer for each other, but for all of those with whom we will share our journey.   That’s how Jesus prayed in John 17.  So, Lord, we can know that what we are asking is according to Your will, right straight out of Your Word.  So now also please give us gifts of faith to believe and receive the answer.  Truly, may your will be done and Your kingdom come on earth, right here wherever we are today, in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, as it is already being done in heaven.  AMEN! (1 John 5:14,15)  This is my prayer for my people and your people today!  Please pray this as often as you have opportunity for all of us!

Scriptures:  Psalm 91:1 ,2;  John 15:4,5; Ephesians 3:14-21; 1 John 5:14, 15; John 17

Suggestion:  print this off and stick it in your Bible or post on your bulletin board or fridge and as often as you see it just say Amen!

I pray that the Son of God will shine brightly into our world today to fill it with His presence and that we will be paying attention in a way that will allow Him to then shine through us and touch the lives and hearts of all others around us who are so desperately longing to see hope in the world again.  Above all, keep praying because He is listening for the sound of our voices!